What Kind of Counseling does Dr. Webb Offer?
Debbie Webb, Ph.D., LCSW-S, LPC, LCDC has over 40 years of experience in providing many kinds of behavioral health services: mental health counseling, substance use disorder counseling, and helping those who have dual or multiple disorders. Dr. Webb especially enjoys working with adults who have mild, moderate, or severe mental health and/or substance use disorder (behavioral health) symptoms. She also likes to assist people who are wanting supportive counseling as they seek to enhance their own wellbeing and/or that of others such as caregivers to child or adult loved ones facing significant challenges.
*Effective December 1, 2022, ALL services are offered by TELEHEALTH only. All clients must use a “smart” cell phone or other secured equipment to ensure privacy.
How Can I Contact Dr. Debbie Webb?
** Please note the new mailing address:
The mailing address of Debbie Webb’s practice and of Good Chemistry Groups is: 2407 S. Congress Ave., Ste. E-730, Austin, TX 78704. The cell phone number for texts and calls is (512) 799-9358, and the HIPAA compliant fax number is (737) 255-9744 (fax). The email address is: debbiewebb@aol.com .
Hours of Operation**:
Tuesday 11AM to 7PM
Wednesday 11AM to 5PM
Thursday 11AM to 5PM
Friday 11AM to 5PM
Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Monday**
What Kind of Previous Experience does Dr. Webb have?
As one of only a handful of pioneer dual diagnoses experts in the U.S., 30 years ago Dr. Webb developed and researched Good Chemistry Groups (still available and ongoing today: get free download of materials below). Dr. Webb earned two degrees in social work, one degree in psychology, and one degree in counseling. She has also taught social work at the graduate and undergraduate levels for over 25 years at local universities, most recently served for 12 years as the executive director of a local non-profit agency that assists clients with mental health challenges and their families, and for 23 years worked multiple positions providing direct services, staff and team management, quality management, integration of services, and was division director for the local mental health authority. Dr. Webb received the Charles I. Wright Distinguished Alumni Award from UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work in 2004. Dr. Webb received her formal training at UT Austin and LSU.
Making an Appointment for Counseling Services & Payment Options:
If interested in obtaining counseling services from Dr. Webb, please text (512) 799-9358 to inquire whether or not she currently has any openings. No waiting lists are used, so openings are strictly based on “first one who inquires when there is an opening, first one served.” Dr. Webb will make every effort to reply within 72 hours to all inquiries made by texting. Please supply your email address, as well.
IF an opening is available, Dr. Webb will invite you to download and fill out the insurance preauthorization form & securely fax it back to her at (737) 255-9744. Or, you may email it to debbiewebb@aol.com . Many types of insurance including Medicare are accepted. Clients may also elect to pay for services out of pocket. The Fee Slip required to be signed by every current client specifically lists the costs associated with each length of counseling session. Payments and/or co-pays must be made by the time of service delivery.
Once your preauthorization has been completed, you will be notified about how much you must pay, if anything, for any deductibles, coinsurance, and/or copays before each session. An appointment will be set, ASAP, within 1 week.
Payment Methods: Pay for services via PayPal secure online transaction:
Your information is submitted only through the secure PayPal website, whether using a PayPal account or credit card, bank debit card, Cafeteria Plan card, etc. (A PayPal account is not required to pay for services via PayPal when using another card.)
On clicking the “Pay Now” button, you’ll be taken to a website address beginning “https://www.paypal.com/ …” (The “s” in “https” and a padlock icon indicate your connection is encrypted. Please also note that we never send email asking you to log in to PayPal.)
Once you click the Pay Now” button you’ll be on Paypal’s secure website. Please note that the amount has been left blank, so kindly enter the amount due in the box, click “update amount,” and follow instructions for Paypal or debit or credit card, etc. Upon completion of your transaction, you will receive a receipt by email from PayPal.
(See bottom of this page to access PayPal for making service payments.)
Cancellation Policy:
If you make an appointment and then find out you must cancel it, please send a text message to Dr. Webb as soon as possible at 512) 799-9358. All appointments must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, if at all possible. Clients who miss an appointment without cancelling it, or cancel giving less than a 24 hour notice, except in case of serious illness or a dire emergency, will be responsible for paying a $35 late cancellation fee (if allowed by their insurance carrier) before his/her next session. Thank you for your attention to this policy. It allows others who are waiting to be worked in for an appointment to be seen faster.
Can Dr. Webb prescribe medications?
NO, Debbie Webb is a Ph.D., LCSW-S, LPC and LCDC. She is NOT a Medical Doctor, psychiatrist, or addictionologist. However, with your written consent, Dr. Webb will gladly coordinate your services with your M.D.’s and/or other providers of services.
Can I talk with Dr. Webb over the phone to see if we are a “good fit” before I decide whether or not I want to make an appointment?
NO, due to time constraints. Instead, Dr. Webb suggests going ahead and meeting for the initial assessment appointment in order to determine if you think she is a ‘good fit”with you. If not, feel free to say so and Dr. Webb will gladly give you referrals elsewhere, based on your specific needs.
BENEFIT: EMERGENCY ACCESS Provided for Existing Customers (Only):
**Emergency mental health calls from EXISTING CLIENTS ONLY are covered 24/7, as needed (prn). Every effort will be made to call current clients back within 1 hour when they text notice of a need. (NO emergency referrals or intakes will be accepted or done.)
In case of a medical (physical) emergency, or if you need police, EMT, or assistance from firefighters, call 911.
Other Helpful Numbers:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255
National Domestic Hotline: (800) 799-7233
Integral Care (Behavioral Health Hotline/Austin): (512) 472-4357
Bluebonnet Trails Community Svcs Crisis Hotline: (800) 841-1255
(SUD) Outreach, Screening, Assessment, Referral (OSAR): (800) 841-1255
Austin Police Dept. (APD) CIT (Crisis Intervention Team): (512) 974-0845
APD Victim Services: (512) 974-5037
Travis County Sheriff CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Office: (512) 854-3445
Travis County Sheriffs Office 24 Hour Dispatch: (512) 974-0845
Texas Poison Center Network Help (Free): (800) 222-1222
NAMI Central Texas: 512 420-9810 (for family members and clients)
PDF file of the Good Chemistry Groups™ Co-Leader Manual, © 2004 Debbie Webb, PhD, LCSW, LPC, LCDC – File is large. For best results, right-click on the pdf link, select “save as,” save to hard drive and double click to open with Adobe or other pdf reader.
(Free Adobe PDF reader available here)
Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders Simultaneously, “Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders Simultaneously Saves Lives & Money while Alleviating Human Suffering” – For best results, right-click on the pdf link, select “save as,” save to hard drive, then open.
(To open, use Microsoft Powerpoint, or the free Powerpoint reader available here, or OpenOffice Impress, part of the free office suite available here.)